40K needs you

The purpose of this blog is to create a petition for the creation of a set of standardized FAQ's and errata for the entire Warhammer 40K community to use if they so desire. We would ask that this FAQ be written by a body of well respected members of the 40K community both in the United Stated and internationally and that it be primarily made up of sponsors of the various recognized tournament organizers. We would also ask that the current Games Workshop FAQ and errata be part of this document and that this document be revisited annually.

By becoming a follower of this blog, you are lending your voice to a cause that will help our hobby grow and retain its membership and hopefully make this game more fun for everyone involved.

I thank you for your voice and I know that together we can do this.

Chuck LeJeune

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have received few updates from parties that are closely involved in the process of FAQ writing. I hope to have more details after Adepticon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

You can follow the story and share your thoughts on the following forums


